Chicken meat is high source of Protien

If you eat chicken then you will be amazed to read this post

Most of the people of this world eat chicken. It is tasty and healthy too. No other Vegetable or other nutrient food can fulfill the needs of Chicken. Let you know that there are more than 30 million chickens in the world and we eat or pet them for our own good. So, you eat chicken, don't you? But do you know the health advantages or disadvantages of Chicken? So if you eat chicken then you will be amazed to read this post.
chicken meat (source
Advantages of Chicken
This kind of bird meat is full of advantages for our health. You won't believe that we consume a high amount of protein from chicken that no other food can give us. As you all know all the meats are a high source of protein but if you go to the gym and crazy for good body then you should start eating chicken soon because the other meats have some serious disadvantages when chicken doesn't.

Disadvantages of Chicken
We all know that everything has its disadvantage, however chickens do have too but it is considerable. Still, i think you should know. Friends Broiler chicken fed with a large number of antibiotics to avoid their diseases which can lead our body go unhealthy. Also, chicken flesh and eggs are loaded with animal fats which can be bad for a blood pressure patient.

So friends eat it in a healthy way and you will be stronger in no time. Hope you liked this article, follow us to read the more amazing articles like this one.

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