World's most amazing cartoon looking girl| A girl with 14 inch waist

World's most amazing cartoon looking girl

Pixee fox
Hello friends, welcome to my news blog. Today in this article I am going to tell you about an amazing celebrity who had done a lot of surgeries. The most interesting thing about this girl is, her waist is so thin as you can see in the photos.
Pixee Fox
Her name is Pixee Fox. Pixee fox is Swedish-born plastic surgery celebrity. She made her news worldwide when she removed six of her ribs in order to be able to tight-lace her waist to a tiny proportion. Let me tell you that this girl has done 200 surgeries in order to look like a cartoon character. Pixee, who lives in North Carolina, flew to India to have her eye color changed in a dangerous operation that is not performed in Europe or America.
Cartoon girl
This girl has done many surgeries in her body to show herself more attractive. She is 25 years old and has spent more than $ 1 million for his body surgery. You might be surprised to know that her waist size is only 14 inches. Let us tell you that Pixie Fox is extremely active on social media and he keeps uploading her many attractive photos on social media.
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