World's weirdest festival| People are buried alive here

People are buried alive here for this shocking reason

Booji Festival

Booji festival
The world has a population of 7.4 billion who live in different corners and follow their own culture and traditions. There are many strange things happen in this world, even there are so many strange festivals celebrated by the people. Have you ever heard about a festival where people bury a living man? There is a festival in Cuba in which people are buried alive, this festival is known as the Booji festival.
Booji festival
People gather in huge numbers and organize a rally where they carry people in coffins and take them to graveyards for burying them, a widow also cries loudly and says "please don't leave me, I do not want to be alone".
Booji festival
While the other people behind this coffin drinks wine play different instruments, dance and follow the coffin to the burial Where they eat many dishes and celebrates the death.
Booji festival
According to them, they celebrate the death because of human take rebirth after their death and this the happiest thing for them. This festival is being celebrated here for the last 30 years. The festival was started in Cuba in 1984. This festival is celebrated every year.
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